Sunday, August 30, 2009

VisLang: Brainstorm/Matrix

This is the initial list of things I came up with. I worked on this list while also jotting down ideas on note cards. From here I made a list of Icon Index and Symbols that I could use to represent Mr. Peplowski. 
The Icon/Index/Symbol list: 
ICON: 100 "Years", 100 clarinets
INDEX: Benny Goodman's grave with music notes, upside down clarinets, recreation of a benny goodman poster, Old microphone/radio/radio dial, 100 "years" making up a clarinet
SYMBOL: baby playing a clarinet, cd on a record player, bee with movement lines, branch with a berry or leaf, playing a branch with berry or leaf
I also included a "Random" Category for things that don't quite fit the bill of any one icon/index/symbol category. For example, the words "TELL YOUR FRIENDS" and then having a picture of an old circle-dial phone and a cell phone to comment on the past/present aspect of Mr. Peplowski's music. 
Below are the matrix-to-date photos. I wrote some of the note cards with pink pen which was hard to photograph. I apologize for the quality. 

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