Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Line Comp. Book and Process

That being said, the images that I did find seem to work well with their individual line composition, as well as with the words I chose for each. It's strange to me how much of a difference contrast makes. Muddy images aren't interesting to look at, that's not what I'm saying. I just find it crazy that if I hadn't brightened up some of my images it would have been the downfall of some of my spreads (such as the parking lot/ISOLATION spread). 

Making the book was fun. I like exact sciences such as the measuring and other aspects of creating the book. I don't think the book is perfect, but I'm not ashamed to look at it either. I found the demonstration the upper class-men gave to be unbelievably helpful. Some of the advice they offered as well as technical techniques (such as the three board sections between boards in order to get the correct crease so the book closes) was amazingly helpful. I'm sure I would have been way more frustrated had we not seen them work. 

I also ended up changing the order of my image and line compositions. Instead of a random order under a line comp, image, line comp, image pattern, I tried to tell a story. 

I chose emotions over senses for my word choices in relation to my line compositions because I feel that emotions are better at telling stories (and we all know how much I like telling stories). Also, when I attempted to choose senses I felt limited. Thus, emotion is the way I went. 

A person begins life in ISOLATION. When they discover the concept of relationship, they must sit in PATIENCE. The more they think about it, the more they are overcome by a sense of LONGING. When they finally decide to do something about it, they become EXPLORATIVE. The longer it takes to find someone, the more AGITATION they feel. Finally the person either finds someone or gives up. Either way there is a great sense of RELIEF at the end of the journey. 

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