Thursday, January 29, 2009

Typo Semester 2, project 1, post C: A few from Stage 1

These are a few screenshots of type and image parings that I feel are strongest so far. The next step is, of course, to add the type into the images themselves. Those images will come soon :) 

1 comment:

TheEpp said...

Hi Abby, this is regarding the second round of integrated compositions:

I think you're too timid with the integration of type and image. You have great photographs waiting for a stronger dialogue. Basic proximity to images is well done but you should experiment with extreme scale changes and typeface choices... type can be white as well as black and anything in between, color to grayscale.

The family theme is strong and should be great to build a larger narrative with your group members.

The book format will be horizontal so please edit to reflect that.