Monday, October 26, 2009

VisLang: Reading sumation

- "minimalism is sometimes only appreciated by a few "visually educated" people." I believe this statement to be true but I also believe that non-'visually educated' people are able to enjoy a project/advertisement sometimes more so than someone visually educated. Since I have started studying visual advocacy, I rarely find an ad or a commercial that I enjoy without any little things that I would change in that ad.

- the concept of noise is interesting- they describe it as anything between the viewer and the message you're trying to send. Do your feet hurt? Then there is noise. Does your nose itch? Noise. How can we as a designer make our message easier to read after someone has had a hard day at the office?

- "Too much decoration may be aesthetic noise, but decoration can also be the redundancy' that visual communication needs." I think the word 'redundancy' needs to be altered- you don't want to bombard your viewer over and over and over and over again. You just want to strengthen your ideas by adding certain elements to your process.

- "entropy" was described almost as being Ethos. "technical language" use scientific papers- make it something someone can trust.

Under the General Education and Adaptability section, someone made the point that in order to be a good designer, you need to be focused and clear all unnecessary thoughts from your mind. I concur.

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