Sunday, November 8, 2009

VisLang: Communication Model vol 1.0

Narration from Abby Gallagher on Vimeo.

This is the first round of annotation that I'm trying out. My animation is going to tell a story of the communication model, and thus I thought a narrative approach for annotating my story would be an appropriate approach. I put the first iteration of the narration on vimeo, which is above. Below is the monologue. You can see where it is broken up and sort of how it will "appear" in my animation.

1-This is Lucy. In this ridiculous illustration of a communication model, Lucy represents (what we in the business like to refer to as) the Sender. The sender is in charge of having a  message that he or she wants to distribute to someone else.

2-This is Fargo. Fargo is a dog, that is true, but for this purpose fargo represents Lucy's message.

3- Now that he is free of Lucy, Fargo is going to start looking for that "someone else" I mentioned earlier. From here on out, let's call him the Receiver.

4-Whatever path the message takes is called a channel.
Between The Sender and the Receiver, Fargo (as dogs often are) is going to be distracted by many things. Any thing that causes the message to run astray of it's original purpose is known as Noise.

6-The message has been found by Joe, the Receiver. After looking at Fargo's tag, Joe decides to look for lucy and return Fargo to her. Since Fargo is now traveling from Joe to Lucy, he acts as feedback. Feedback is the way the receiver communicates with the sender, generally in order to improve the sender's original message.

7-Now that Lucy and Fargo are reunited, Lucy can train Fargo to avoid distractions so he reaches people like Joe in a more timely fashion, and the circuit starts all over again.
8-The end.

1 comment:

Tom Morse-Brown said...

nice work Abby, it's gonna be fun to see how this plays out :)