Friday, April 30, 2010

Typo4: X-AM final statement

X-Am is a three day conference focused on merging two ideas. The first being taking a close look at typographic forms, and the second being fragmenting those forms in various manners. I tried to emulate these themes by using abstract forms in the background and type with minimal stylistic treatments in order to avoid leading the viewer down a predetermined path before the conference. I chose to create a mailer for my conference that a potential attendee would receive about 6 months before the conference in order to publicize the event and gain interest. The website would be online ideally 8 months before the conference in order to make information about the event easily obtainable, registration easy, and to promote the speakers for the event. The name tag is a poetic experience the user would receive at the conference. By placing the persons name in the triangle shape I attempt to make it clear that everyone has the ability to fragment typographic forms and become a part of the experience. My overall identity is a poetic experience, leaving the viewer to interpret the concept by their own standards. The mailer and the website serve as practical means of expressing an idea. Are there any questions? 

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